Add a little sparkle to your designs with Crystal Sky! A clean & modern signature-style font set, perfect for creating authentic hand-lettered text quickly & easily.
With exaggerated strokes and an extra bouncy baseline, Crystal Sky has an unmistakable charm; perfect for logos, wedding stationery, cards, gift designs, product packaging and handwritten quotes.
Crystal Sky Hearts! Add some passion to your Crystal Sky text with Crystal Sky Hearts, a new font included in your download! These bonus designs add a beautiful, flowing decorative heart at the beginning, middle & end of your Crystal Sky Script text at the click of a button.
Crystal Sky Alt • This font includes an entire alternate lowercase glyph set. If you want to avoid letters looking the same each time to recreate a custom-made style, or try a different word shape, simply switch to this font for an additional layout option.
Crystal Sky Caps • Have you ever noticed that script fonts tend to be a bit tricky when it comes to typing in all-caps? ‘Crystal Sky Caps’ includes a separate set of A-Z letters – designed to work in harmony with each other during those moments when you need to hit your caps-lock button and go a bit wild!
★ New! Crystal Sky Hearts • Simply install this as its separate font, and type any a-z or A-I character in this font to generate 1 of 35 heart decorations, designed to pair beautifully with the Crystal Sky Script font. (Please see the image above for a use guide).